Use the links below to learn more about research.
- IPTF Research Committee Presentation: Mobilizing PT Clinician Research
- Designing Research Studies (types of studies)
- Defining Research (online tutorials to assist new research staff in developing an understanding of basic research concepts)
- Health & Medicine Policy Research Group (organization focused on social justice in the provision of healthcare; fellowship opportunities also available for healthcare students, including those in PT)
- Health Research & Educational Trust (educational information for those interested in advancing delivery of health services; links to fellowships as well)
- NIH Clinical Center for Physical Therapy (information specific to providing PT at NIH)
- National Rehabilitation Information Center (library of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research; this site allows you to search for articles, reports, curricula, guides, and other publications related to research projects funded by NIDRR)
- Center on Knowledge Translation for Disability and Rehabilitation (provides information on research related to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities)

Do you have questions? Or are you interested in leading a webinar or blog on a topic of interest? Contact the following Research Committee Members:
- Committee Chair: Giovanni Berardi, PT, DPT, OCS
- Russel Carter, PT, EdD
- Tim Hanke, PT, PhD
- Sarah Keller, PT, DPT, NCS
- Melissa Peterson, PT, PhD, GCS
- Bre Reynolyds, PT, DPT, PhD
- Jen Ryan, PT, DPT, MS, CSS
IPTA Staff Liaison: Linda Griffith ([email protected])